WInnComm-Europe 2015 Keynotes
Thomas Haustein Fraunhofer HHI
Keynote title: "A New View on Spectrum Sharing - Results from CoMoRa - Cognitive Mobile Radio - Project"
Thomas Haustein received the Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.) degree in mobile communications from the University of Technology Berlin, Germany, in 2006. Since 1997, he was with the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin, where he worked on wireless infrared systems and radio communications with multiple antennas and OFDM. He focused on real-time algorithms for baseband processing and advanced multiuser resource allocation.
From 2006 till 2008, he was with Nokia Siemens Networks, where he conducted research for 4G. Since 2009 he is heading the Wireless Communications Department at Fraunhofer HHI focussing on 5G and Industrial Wireless.

Bosco Novak Rohde & Schwarz
Keynote title: Standardization and Innovation: Friend or Foe?
Bosco Novak is Executive Vice President of Rohde & Schwarz. As head of the Radiocommunications Systems division he holds the global responsibility for all activities in the field of Secure Communications. Bosco Novak joined Rohde & Schwarz after 20 years in the telecommunications industry, working for Ericsson, Nokia and most recently as member of the Executive Board for Nokia Siemens Networks. He started his professional career as an officer in the German Armed Forces, amongst others serving as the Commander of a NATO Satellite Ground Terminal. Mr. Novak received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering at the Armed Forces University in Munich 1983.
Tactical Radio Workshop 2015 Keynotes and Invited Presenters
Christian Muthig German MoD
Talk title: SVFuA - Update on the German SDR program
Spectrum Sharing Workshop 2015 Keynotes and Invited Presenters
Irina Balan Nokia
Irina Balan obtained her Master’s degree in Telecommunication engineering from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, Romania in 2007. In 2012, she obtained her PhD in Computer Science from Ghent University, Belgium. Since 2013 she is a member of Nokia's Radio Systems team in Munich, Germany. Her research focuses on 3GPP - WLAN interworking and aggregation, in close relation with the 3GPP standardization.
Paul Bender BNetz
Talk title: Spectrum Sharing in Europe
has more than 20 years of experience in the development and Implementation of technical concepts and related regulations concerning Mobile Systems.
In Bundesnetzagentur(Federal Network Agency), Paul Bender is responsible for the technical regulation of Reconfigurable Radio Systems encompassing system solutions related to Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio (CR).
He is actively involved in the work of the relevant standardization and regulatory groups.
On behalf of Bundesnetzagentur, he took part in several EU funded research projects in this area.
Jim Beveridge Microsoft
Jim Beveridge is responsible for driving Microsoft’s International Technology Policy Initiatives. Prior to joining Microsoft, Jim worked for Pace Micro Technology as General Manager of their Digital TV Division. He is a member of the Geneva based, DVB Steering Board, and Chairman of the Brussels based, Digital Interoperability Forum, defining next generation Digital Media Standards and Regulation. Jim is a regular presenter at ITU-D events.
Jim started his technology career in Motorola Semiconductors, working in Scotland and Germany. He held a number of senior positions in their Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Communications Divisions.
During his time working as Gartner/ Dataquest’s Semiconductor Divisional Head, Jim provided strategic advice to the management of Semiconductor Corporates and Start Ups across the globe.
In Microsoft, Jim has worked for Windows, Entertainment and Devices, Corporate Standards and Law and Corporate Affairs.
For TPG, Jim leads on Spectrum, Internet Governance and M2M/IOT
A native of Scotland, Jim studied Electrical Engineering at Glasgow University and for recreation enjoys sailing the, sometimes sunny, Western Isles of Scotland.
Preston Marshall Google
Preston develops the policy, technology, and systems needed to create wireless abundance for Google. His immediate focus is on the application of shared spectrum to enable massive increases in wireless capacity. Previously, he served as Deputy Director at USC Information Science Institute, with a personal research program in wireless technology, self-forming content delivery networks, electronic warfare, and algorithms for managing decisions in complex, ambiguous, and information-constrained environments. He also participated in the Presidents Council of Advisers (PCAST) study on spectrum sharing. Prior to that he was a Program Manager at DARPA managing innovations in cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, interference management and self-forming networking.

Marja Matinmikko VT Technical Research Centre
Marja Matinmikko is a senior scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in Oulu, Finland. She received her M.Sc. degree in industrial engineering and management, and her Dr.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Oulu. She is currently finalizing her second doctoral dissertation on industrial engineering and management. She is the coordinator of the Finnish project consortium on Cognitive Radio Trial Environments (CORE) since 2011. The consortium presented world’s first live Licensed Shared Access (LSA) trials in 2013 for sharing between LTE and wireless cameras in the 2.3 GHz band followed by several public trials in industry, academic, standardization and regulatory events. Her current research interests include technical, trialing, regulatory, and business aspects of spectrum sharing for mobile communications.